Dr. Sameh El Ansary


Sameh El-Ansary holds a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. He received his BSc and MSc of Computer Science from the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

He is a seasoned entrepreneur who co-founded a number of startups in Stockholm, Sweden including: a) HiveStreaming, a Peer-To-Peer enterprise video streaming company with a successful exit in 2012, b) Racefox, an AI-based IoT platform for sports, and c) Scalable-Learning, a flipped classroom platform for universities to compete with MOOCs. Currently, Sameh is the CEO of Novelari, an Egyptian innovation accelerator for research-based startups. Sameh is a passionate teacher. Since 2007

He has been teaching post-graduate courses at Nile University, Egypt, including: security, distributed systems, software engineering and BigData Engineering. He designed the first professional diploma in Big Data and Data Science in Egypt. He is an early adopter of BigData engineering technologies in multiple domains including Telcos, Sports, Transportation and Education. His latest technical interests include blockchain technology as the modern incarnation of decentralized Peer-To-Peer systems.

Devolopment By Ranin Saad